Contact Us



Phone & Whatsapp :


You find us located at Ocam Ocam beach, just a few meters from H-Nice Restaurant.

Ask for Roderic or Grace or ring us on phone before you arrive.

Internet reception is not always the best in our village so please be patient,

if you don`t get an answer straigh away.  It might take some hours.

On a scooter or motorbike you will need about 1,5 hours from Coron Town

to our beach. The roads are in a good state, only the last 500 meters

might get a bit bumpy.

You can also take the early morning bus to Salvacion and then get a

tricycle or car from there. The bus will cost between 150 and 200 PHP per person

and a tricyle or car around 800 to 1000 PHP for 3 people.

The most comfortable, but also most pricey way to get here is with a private

driver.  You have to calculate around 3500 PHP for the ride for up to 3 persons.